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Cozzia - SVAGO ZGR - Cognac / Black Wood

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With the touch of a button you can go from upright or semi-reclined to Zero Gravity position and relieve yourself of the weight of gravity. This position is completely unique in it's ability to neutralize gravity and allow healing and repair. The ZGR is appointed in super-soft, "vegan" synthetic hyde. Easy to care for and a sustainable, earth-friendly option for those who prefer not to use animal products. Loosen and soothe tense or aching muscles with two vibration massage programs. Add in heat while you're in zero gravity position and feel the trifecta of healing and relaxation. A side-effect of relieving gravity's weight from your body is total relaxation. The ZGR offers Smart Wake-Up Programs, so you can make sure you don't rest for any longer than you want

With the touch of a button you can go from upright or semi-reclined to Zero Gravity position and relieve yourself of the weight of gravity. This position is completely unique in it's ability to neutralize gravity and allow healing and repair. The ZGR is appointed in super-soft, "vegan" synthetic hyde. Easy to care for and a sustainable, earth-friendly option for those who prefer not to use animal products. Loosen and soothe tense or aching muscles with two vibration massage programs. Add in heat while you're in zero gravity position and feel the trifecta of healing and relaxation. A side-effect of relieving gravity's weight from your body is total relaxation. The ZGR offers Smart Wake-Up Programs, so you can make sure you don't rest for any longer than you want

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