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Replogle - Milan 12" Diameter Designer Series White Ocean Globe

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The 12" Diameter Milan White Ocean World Globe features beautiful matching gold colored landmasses and black text geographic demarcations. This handsome raised relief globe features three dimensional relief highlighting the major mountain ranges of the world. It is held in place but a sturdy die-cast numbered die-cast semi meridian and tiered tapered black hardwood base. With thousands of place names this globe is not only strikingly beautiful but it features up to date geographic information making it a must have functional home décor piece.

The 12" Diameter Milan White Ocean World Globe features beautiful matching gold colored landmasses and black text geographic demarcations. This handsome raised relief globe features three dimensional relief highlighting the major mountain ranges of the world. It is held in place but a sturdy die-cast numbered die-cast semi meridian and tiered tapered black hardwood base. With thousands of place names this globe is not only strikingly beautiful but it features up to date geographic information making it a must have functional home décor piece.

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