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Seiko Watch - Seiko 5 Sports SS AutomaticTeal/Black Dial Kawamura LE

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New Seiko 5 Sports models with a camouflage design which is a recognized staple for street fashion. Both models offer rotating elapsed timing bezels and camouflage patterned dials. For the Horigome Limited Edition, a special pressed pattern was used instead of printing. As such, the visual impression changes when you see it from different angles, giving the dial a richer texture. The Yuto Horigome Limited Edition also has his signature printed on the case back.

New Seiko 5 Sports models with a camouflage design which is a recognized staple for street fashion. Both models offer rotating elapsed timing bezels and camouflage patterned dials. For the Horigome Limited Edition, a special pressed pattern was used instead of printing. As such, the visual impression changes when you see it from different angles, giving the dial a richer texture. The Yuto Horigome Limited Edition also has his signature printed on the case back.

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