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Vintage Base Ball Association

Suggested Reading List

An incomplete list of books on “vintage’ base ball, ranked in order of importance (a subjective list):


  1.  But Didn’t We Have Fun?: An Informal History of Baseball’s Pioneer Era, 1843-1870 by Peter Morris

  1.  Baseball Fever: Early Baseball in Michigan by Peter Morris

  1.  A Game of Inches: The Stories Behind the Innovations That Shaped Baseball by Peter Morris

  1.  Base Ball Pioneers, 1850-1870: The Clubs and Players Who Spread the Sport Nationwide by Peter Morris (Editor), William J. Ryczek (Editor), Jan Finkel (Editor)

  1.  Base Ball Founders: The Clubs, Players and Cities of the Northeast That Established the Game by Peter Morris (Editor), William J. Ryczek (Editor), Jan Finkel (Editor)

  1.  Playing for Keeps: A History of Early Baseball by Warren Jay Goldstein

  1.  Vintage Base Ball: Recapturing the National Pastime by James R. Tootle

  1. Ballists, Dead Beats, and Muffins: Inside Early Baseball in Illinois by Robert D. Sampson


*Peter Morris’s book on Early Baseball in Michigan and Sampson’s book on
Illinois are the only detailed, state-wide histories of the early game.

There are other books available but these, in my opinion, will provide the best
researched works on the pre-Civil War and immediate post-Civil War eras. Tootle’s
book is about the development of “modern” vintage base ball.  I will be happy to
answer other questions.

Bob Sampson, VBBA Historian